Washington, D.C. is at the forefront of cities nationwide when it comes to promoting clean energy and tackling the climate crisis head-on. Now it’s time for D.C. to lead again—not only in cutting fossil fuel pollution but in creating a more just and sustainable economy for all.
We know that putting a price on carbon is one of the most straightforward and cost-effective ways to fight climate change. By making fossil fuel polluters pay for the real and damaging costs of their emissions, we can unleash the clean energy solutions we need, and make D.C. families better off in the process.
Sign the Petition!

Dear Mayor Bowser and D.C. Council Members,
I support a bold, fair, and simple policy for fighting climate change in the District of Columbia. I support creating a gradually rising fee on all carbon fuels and then rebating the revenue in equal shares to every single resident of the nation’s capital. This “fee and dividend” approach has been shown in multiple studies to actually INCREASE the net incomes of lower-income and middle-income families while “de-carbonizing” our city’s economy. The D.C. Council and Mayor should embrace this policy as an example of innovative and effective climate policy for the whole nation.
D.C. businesses are banding together to fight climate change, increase family incomes, and promote clean energy!

Please sign your business on to the business coalition letter to show your support for carbon pricing in the District. Your membership means both support as well as a space to participate in the process of structuring the bill through feedback and suggestions. By pledging to join the Coalition, you will be supporting the initiative to make D.C. the healthiest, greenest, and most livable city in the country!
Volunteer with Put a Price On it DC!

Never before have so many understood the power of citizen activism to fight climate denial at the highest levels of our federal government. That’s why we’re fighting for climate progress in D.C. with a campaign to put a fair and equitable price on carbon. The “Put a Price On It” coalition is proposing a progressive policy that fights climate change, unleashes clean energy, and makes D.C. families better off in the process. It would be landmark legislation for our community and a model for others to push their climate policies forward.
Before we get there, we need your help. Supporters like you make up the beating heart of our work. There are lots of opportunities, big and small, for you to make an impact with the “Put a Price On It DC” campaign. So take your resistance to the next level and sign up to volunteer! We need you on the front lines, today.

Send a letter to your D.C. Council Member!
Washington, D.C. is at the forefront of cities nationwide when it comes to promoting clean energy and tackling the climate crisis head-on. Now it’s time for D.C. to lead again—not only in cutting fossil fuel pollution but in creating a more just and sustainable economy for all.
We know that putting a price on carbon is one of the most straightforward and cost-effective ways to fight climate change. By making fossil fuel polluters pay for the real and damaging costs of their emissions, we can unleash the clean energy solutions we need, and make D.C. families better off in the process.
A bill for a carbon fee and rebate will soon be making its way through the D.C. Council. We need your help to show our Council Members that there is a groundswell of support for strong, progressive climate action. That’s why your D.C. Council Member needs to hear from YOU!
Please take one minute to email your Council Member to tell him or her to support the bill to put a price on carbon.