Featuring Jacqui Patterson
Director of the NAACP Environmental and Climate Justice Program
A salon is a gathering of people under the roof of an inspiring host, held partly to amuse one another and partly to refine the taste and increase the knowledge of the participants through conversation.
Unbearable heatwaves, damaging floods, rising food prices and worsening asthma: fossil fuel use is endangering our homes and health. In fact, communities of color are disproportionately harmed by pollution from dirty energy and global warming. We believe that polluters should be held accountable for causing damage to the environment.
It is time to act. How can we all help solve this crisis — and ensure that solutions are equitable for our
You are invited to a salon on environmental justice right here in Washington, D.C. Whether you’ve never heard of the term or it’s your lifelong passion, we want you to join in the conversation!
We are a group of women who have been working on a variety of climate change and environmental advocacy projects over the past years. It is important to us that the voices of local people of color are represented proportionally in these efforts to make all of D.C. a safe, clean, sustainable, and healthy place to live.
This salon is a welcoming space to explore ways to ensure all voices are present, engaged, heard, and empowered in the movements to make D.C. a climate and environmental justice leader. We are honored to be joined by Jacqui Patterson, the Director of Environmental and Climate Justice Program at the NAACP. The results of this conversation will immediately go into effect in our projects, such as the “Put a Price on It DC” campaign to hold polluters accountable.
RSVP to Camila Thorndike at camila@chesapeakeclimate.org or 541-951-2619.
Entrees will be served, but we invite you to bring your favorite side dish, dessert, or drinks. Childcare will be provided.